Over 200 000 Grades 1 and 8 placement offers issued in Gauteng


Connect Radio News

The Gauteng Department of Education says over 200ย 000 placement offers have been issued so far.

This comes after the start of the 2025 Online Admissions placement period for grade one and grade eight learners.

To date, over 140ย 000 offers have been accepted, while approximately 100 000 offers are yet to be accepted by parents.

Department Spokesperson Steve Mabona says placement offers will be issued continuously until all learners are placed.

“Parents who did not receive an SMS immediately should not panic as they can log into the GDE website to check for placement updates. If a school reaches capacity and cannot accommodate a learner, parents may receive a transfer offer for the next closest school with available space. So, the status would say the child is transferred to the school that has capacity.”

GDE update on online placements:ย 

3 hours ago