Over 200 mine workers stage sit-in at Sibanye’s Kwezi shaft


Connect Radio News
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Over 200 mineworkers have embarked on a sit-in at Sibanye-Stillwater’s Kwezi Shaft in Rustenburg in the North West.

The mineworkers allegedly downed tools in protest of the proposed Employee Share Ownership Scheme (ESOP) for Kroondal employees.

However, in a statement to employees, mine management stressed that discussions were continuing between the company and unions regarding the details of the proposed scheme.

Management also says the proposal has not yet been implemented because the acquisition of Anglo Platinum’s 50% share in the Kroondal PSA transaction has not been concluded.

Executive Vice President of Investor Relations and Corporate Affairs, James Wellsted, elaborates on management’s stance on the details of the sit-in:


2 days ago