Owners urged to ensure pets cared for amid heatwave


Connect Radio News

Veterinarians are calling on animal lovers to monitor their pets for heat stroke amid the persistent heatwave conditions in some parts of the country.

High temperatures have been experienced across parts of the Northern, Eastern and Western Cape.

Veterinarian, Ingrid De Wit, says immediate medical attention should be sought if animals are dehydrated.

“Yes, we have cases of dehydration. Dehydration doesn’t usually happen, you know, very quickly. It happens over a few hours. As well as even overheating. Both of those are life threatening situations and medical emergencies. Sometimes you need to be a bit creative. You can wet a towel, put it in your freezer for a couple of hours, take it out and lay it on the floor for your dog to lay on.”

Warnings over heatwave

The South African Weather Services has advised that people should drink water to stay hydrated, as parts of the country experience high temperatures.

Weather forecaster, Wiseman Dlamini, says provinces such as like KwaZulu-Natal are likely to continue enduring hot conditions on Monday.

“We don’t have any warning for today and tomorrow for the whole province in term of the temperatures yes the whole province is experiencing hot temperatures in areas in the northern interior around 34, 35 degrees on average, then the midlands around 33 degrees, Coastal areas around 32 and then Western interior again around 33, 32 degrees you could see most of areas we got hot temperatures and also expecting the same conditions tomorrow, it is always advisable during these conditions to keep hydrated as much as you can,” Dlamini explained.

4 months ago