Parents picket at Lynnwood Ridge Primary amid racism complaint


Connect Radio News

A group of parents and civil organisations are expected to picket outside the Lynwood Ridge Primary School, in Pretoria East over alleged racism and bullying.

The school is being accused of ignoring, bullying and racism complaints.

Last week, parents and learners held a demonstration at the neighbouring Hoërskool Die Wilgers, calling for a probe into racism allegations at the school after a pupil was expelled for allegedly calling a fellow black pupil the K-word.

One of the organisers of the picket, Felicia April says, “While we were at the Wilgers last week, three parents came forward and complained that their kids had been bullied. The one was bullied for four years, when the bullying stopped it’s now the teacher bullying the child. One teacher even pointed the child in the face. So, it seems like Lynwood Primary has a bullying system that they’re trying to cover up.”


a day ago