Parliament concerned about reports about Chief Justice Zondo’s utterances regarding state capture


Connect Radio News
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Parliament says it is concerned about media reports attributed to Chief Justice and chairperson of the State Capture Commission Raymond Zondo in which he is reported to have expressed doubt about Parliament’s capacity to stop another state capture if it were to take place again.

Parliament says it has implemented remedial measures on matters emerging from the commission’s report which directly requires its action.

Parliament says Speaker Nosiviwe Mapisa Nqakula and the NCOP Chairperson Amos Masondo will engage with Zondo regarding his remarks at an appropriate time.

“The presiding officers of Parliament have noted with concern the sentiments published in the media this weekend attributed to the Chief Justice of the Republic of South Africa, Mr Raymond Zondo expressing doubt that Parliament was capable of stopping another Gupta style takeover of the state coffers,” Parliament spokesperson Moloto Mothapo.

Parliament says that if the head of another arm of the state has issues to raise regarding the functioning of the legislative arm, it should be done among the heads themselves, in case the judiciary is brought into disrepute through public exchanges.

Mothapo says they are still awaiting the executive to submit its programme of action of the Zondo Report, so that it could play the necessary oversight over its implementation.

2 years ago