Parliament meets on SAA-Takatso deal in partially closed sitting


Connect Radio News
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The Portfolio Committee on Public Enterprises is again meeting with the Department of Public Enterprises on the SAA -Takatso deal this Wednesday afternoon in a partially closed sitting.

Last week, the media and public were unceremoniously kicked out of the meeting.

Minister of Public Enterprises Pravin Gordhan reportedly handed over documents regarding the deal to MPs.

In 2021, the Takatso Consortium was announced as the preferred equity partner to buy a 51-percent stake in SAA.

However, after a complaint to the Speaker’s office, alleging irregularities, she referred the matter to the Portfolio Committee for deliberation.

The committee first heard evidence from the complainant, former Director General of Public Enterprises Kgathatso Tlhakudi, who was himself fired for irregularities in employing a security manager, followed by evidence from Gordhan.


3 months ago