Phaahla encourages Mpumalanga residents to vaccinate


Connect Radio News

Minister for Health Joe Phaahla has encouraged people of Mpumalanga to take advantage of the Vooma Vaccination Weekend.

Phaahla was leading the campaign in KwaThandeka community hall in Amsterdam in Mkhondo Local Municipality.

He visited a number of vaccination centres in the area and a number of households encouraging them to vaccinate.

About 325 vaccination sites are opened for the Vooma Vaccination Weekend in the province.

“ Even though the numbers are a little bit low now, we are expecting another wave of COVID -19 in the next few weeks in December or early January so this is the perfect opportunity for us to encourage people to come forward.”

South Africa currently has 2 925 371 coronavirus cases, with 89 469 total fatalities.

So far 18 865 934 tests have been conducted.

Below are the latest coronavirus statistics:



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