Police investigating fatal stampede at Marabastad Home Affairs


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Foreign nationals queuing outside the Home Affairs offices in Marabastad in Pretoria say they are devastated by an incident on Tuesday in which one person died in a stampede. More than 20 people injured.

Police are investigating the incident. The foreign nationals mostly from African countries say it has been months without asylum documentation and alleged that for them to receive their documents, they need to bribe some officials for a quicker process. They have called for the South African Government to intervene.

The Marabastad Home Affairs office is one of five offices in the country that deals with refugees and asylum seekers. Each day is designated for different nationals.

Refugees start queueing from dawn until dusk. Once they get inside the home affairs refugee centre, they cannot get out to buy something to eat or quench the thirst. Street venders sell products over the fence.

“Newcomers are disturbed and beaten like nobody’s business. They are doing business on them. Please our government, Africa Union, all the governments you must be concerned and see what that they are abusing our nation,” a refugee said.

“I am here in SA since 2016 but still I am not getting papers. Every three months I am coming here, when I come here, they ask me money, when I go inside security ask for money. they want money and not doing the job,” a refugee explains.

“We assistance because people are coming from Cape Town, they are using transport, and they are not doing anything for us we need government to come in and see what is happening,” a refugee elaborates.

Police have launched an investigation.

“Police can confirm that one person died and more than 20 sustained injuries and were taken to hospital, following a stampede at one of the government buildings in Pretoria on Tuesday police have since opened an inquest docket for investigation,” says Lieutenant Colonel Mavela Masondo, Gauteng Police.

Meanwhile, the African Diaspora Forum say they are saddened by the passing of one of the refugees.

“The ADF calls on the South African authorities to conduct an immediate and comprehensive investigation into this incident, addressing not only the causes of the stampede but also the broader systemic issues plaguing refugee reception centres. These centres, intended to provide refuge have instead become sites of desperation due to overcrowding, long queues, and inadequate facilities. The ADF stands in solidarity with the affected families and remains committed to advocating for the rights and well-being of all migrants and asylum seekers in South Africa. Now is the time for action and reform,” says Bongani Mkhwanazi from African Diaspora Forum.

SABC News tried to get an official comment from the Department of Home Affairs but to no avail.

15 days ago