Police officers must be held to higher standard, says Cameron


Connect Radio News

The Chairperson of the Portfolio Committee on Police in Parliament Ian Cameron says it is important for police officers to be held to a higher standard than ordinary citizens when it comes to crime.

His comments follow the dismissal of the head of crime intelligence in the Western Cape Mzwandile Tiyo from the South African Police Service (SAPS).

The dismissal follows a Section 34 inquiry to establish his fitness to hold office following allegations that he lost both a laptop and a firearm and also used crime intelligence resources to find the people who had stolen them and assaulted them.

Cameron says officers need to set a specific example with regard to the rule of law.

“I get the impression so far from the new police minister that he is very serious about cleaning up. I hope that we will see more of the same. There is a lot to still be done, but it does seem that there are things happening that are positive.”

PODCAST: Interview with  Cameron on SA fm’s First Take Programme:

-Reporting by Diteboho Ntimane

10 days ago