President Mnangagwa warns Western countries against interference in elections


Connect Radio News
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The Zimbabwean President Emmerson Mnangagwa has warned western countries not to meddle in the coming elections in that country.

Mnangagwa made the call on the same day he signed into law the controversial Patriotic Bill, which is receiving widespread critism from activists and political commentators.

He was speaking during the commissionining of the new look US$153 million Chinese-built Robert Mugabe International airport.

This is said to be the most hotly contested elections post the Robert Mugabe era and the ZANU PF presidential candidate is under pressure. He used the event to send a stern warning ahead of the elections in August.

Zimbabwean President Emmerson Mnangagwa says, “We will not as the people of Zimbabwe we will not allow the Western countries to dictate to us. We don’t dictate to them…”

Many Zimbabweans have left the country due to economic and political challenges. Mnangagwa says, “This interference from outside is unacceptable. We are a sovereign state…”

All eyes will be on Zimbabwe as the country decides who will lead it for the next five years.

9 months ago