Protea Glen Police Station lacks essential resources: Union


Connect Radio News

The Independent Police Union of South Africa (IPUSA) has expressed deep concerns over the state of the Protea Glen Police Station.

It is reported that the station has been functioning without basic essential resources for over 11 months.

Police force members are allegedly made to serve the entire Protea Glen community with only one operational vehicle and one toilet.

The union says it wants the government to provide additional vehicles and ensure the provision of basic facilities at all stations.

IPUSA President Nephtal Nkuna says the working conditions are unacceptable.

“Our members have been suffering having to go to internet cafes or having to move from point A to B to make photocopies in order to facilitate service delivery and this is very concerning. What is worse is we only have one toilet. At the station where people, male and female have to share one toilet these conditions are very, very, very concerning. That is why we continue to appeal to the powers out there to really sort this mess out because we cannot continue working like this.”

6 hours ago