Ramaphosa lauds Zondo for tirelessly fighting for justice


Connect Radio News

President Cyril Ramaphosa says the state has secured R10 billion in forfeiture orders and settlement agreements linked to State Capture cases.

In his weekly letter to the nation, he says preservation and restraint orders to the value of R17 billion have also been granted.

Ramaphosa has lauded the Chairperson of the State Capture Commission, Chief Justice Raymond Zondo, for tirelessly fighting for justice.

As Zondo prepares to hang up his robes at the end of August, his work as the Chairperson of the State Capture Commission will continue shaping the jurisprudential landscape.

In his weekly newsletter, the President says the Commission has led to several pieces of legislation being enacted such as the Public Procurement Act which, among others, prohibits any person from trying to interfere with or influence procurement processes after Zondo identified that corruption in procurement was the centrepiece of corruption.

Despite Ramaphosa’s praises, there have been no successful prosecutions as a result of the Commission.

However, the President has reassured that the recommendations of the Commission are steadily being implemented and Zondo can retire knowing that he has played his part in upholding the rule of law.

VIDEO | Chief Justice Raymond Zondo farewell dinner:

14 hours ago