Rand Water reassures public of supply during planned maintenance


Connect Radio News
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Rand Water has assured Gauteng residents that they will have water during its 37-day infrastructure maintenance project.

The bulk water entity kicked off its extensive maintenance project on Saturday in an attempt to preserve the quality and integrity of its infrastructure.

Rand Water spokesperson Makenosi Maroo says they started in Mogale City and will now move to areas including the City of Tshwane.

Maroo has urged Gauteng residents not to panic.

“We are going to be communicating on a daily basis. Follow our social media platforms but also we are encouraging residents to follow their municipalities because remember they would know in terms of local areas which areas will have more water, which areas will not. But we are saying one do not panic. Speak to your municipality to find out exactly when will Rand Water be in your area because as Rand Water we are talking obviously an overview, the bigger picture. When you bring it down to municipality they will be able to give you an indication where is a challenge if there is any challenge.”

VIDEO | Rand Water urges public not to panic ahead of extended maintenance: 

Cape Town water shutdown

Meanwhile, in the Western Cape, the City of Cape Town says it will avail water tankers to the Cape Flats communities that the 72-hour supply shutdown will affect.

The shutdown will start today and end on Wednesday.

The city has urged affected communities to stock up on water.

Member of the Mayoral Committee for Water and Sanitation, Zahid Badroodien, says the supply shutdown is necessary to repair and replace five crucial valves in the Cape Flats network. Badroodien says six water tankers will be placed in key locations.

“Water tankers will be available at key locations. These locations will be communicated through the ward councillors as well as on social media and I do want to please encourage residents to make use of the water tankers but also to use the water and to use water sparingly. Remember that there are a number of residents who will be accessing these water tankers so only take what you need.”

13 hours ago