Raw sewage threatens Polokwane residents’ livelihood


Connect Radio News
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Raw sewage from Polokwane municipal wastewater treatment plant continues to threaten the livelihood of residents.

Residents say they fear contracting diseases due to the raw sewage effluent into the Blood and Sand river.

The most affected areas are Rethabile Gardens, Emdo Park and Mahlako-a-Phaahla Gardens.

Residents, Khomotso Hlako and Mandla Msengi say the smell is unbearable.

“Since we moved here 1996, the smell has been very bad – now it’s worse – people have relocated here so it’s affecting a lot of old people, young ones who have their own sicknesses it’s very bad. The sewage is affecting us because we cannot sit outside eating or drinking – I think if the municipality can remove the sewage and put it somewhere.”

In reaction to the residents’ outcry, the Polokwane Municipality says they addressing the problems at the water waste treatment plant.

Polokwane Municipal spokesperson Thipa Selala says they will finish this year as per the scope. There is progress made even if you go around Ladana, the smell that is there now is not the smell that was there before.”

SAHRC | Sewage spills in Polokwane Municipality: Victor Mavhidula

2 days ago