Residents in Mahikeng express dissatisfaction over poor service delivery


Connect Radio News

Some residents in Mahikeng in the North West, have expressed their dissatisfaction about poor service delivery in their area. They complain about the poor state of the roads, water and unemployment. Residents echoed their sentiments ahead of the Presidential Imbizo being held in Mahikeng on Saturday.

The Imbizo will allow communities to engage with government leaders on issues relating to service delivery in the province.

Residents say authorities are only hard at work because the President is visiting the area.

“Currently, I am working at EPWP, they are now sending us to work hard because the President is coming. We work at the crossing everywhere. In actual fact, there is no service delivery in Mahikeng. We only see them now as the President is visiting the area.”

“The roads are in a bad state, it’s only today that they are now been fixed and cleaned. But when the president left we will be back to square one.”

In the video below, residents call for President Ramaphosa to do walkabout inspections in North West townships:

However, North West Premier Bushy Maape has refuted that they are only fixing and cleaning the town just because the President will be in the area.

“You know that we launched the programme a long time ago, to patch the potholes. You should explain to communities that this has got nothing to do with the President. We launched this project a long time ago. We started patching potholes there in the units.”

Maape adds: “We said we are going to prioritise the units. We have been doing that. We also repaired the road in Bloemhof. We repaired the potholes, we were there with you, we repaired the potholes in Bloemhof in your hometown.”

North West Premier Bushy Maape on the Presidents visit:

23 days ago