Residents embrace voting day with smiles and laughter


Connect Radio News
Reading Time: < 1 minute

Voting queues across the suburb of Randburg, north of Johannesburg, are filled with smiles, laughter, and merriment as South Africans build excitement on voting day.

More than 6.5 million people are registered to vote in the province of Gauteng, which represents almost 24% of the national registered voters, the highest in the country.

Johannesburg residents are making the most of their time sitting in snaking queues at voting stations across the city. The mood amongst voters is really one of excitement, laughter, and hope for a more prosperous South Africa.

People who have never met each other before are making light conversation and forming friendships as they wait to exercise their democratic rights together.

At the Boksruin Community Centre, voters in the queue are seen sharing beverages and snacks as they get closer to casting their ballots. Even young children have been brought along to experience democracy firsthand.

a day ago