Residents want safety to be ramped up in Alexandra


Connect Radio News

Residents of Alexandra, North of Johannesburg say they live in fear due to the high prevalence of crime in the area.

Watch: Government officials take a multi-disciplinary action to fight crime in Alex 

On Thursday night, 6 people were killed in separate armed robbery incidents, including the killing of local radio station DJ, Alex FM’s presenter Joshua Mbatha, AKA DJ Jorontina.

This brought to the fore the high rate of crime in this township.

Residents say they live in constant fear with gun shots ringing every night.

Women say they are even scared of venturing out after dark as they could be mugged and raped. One concerned resident says she is even contemplating leaving Alex.

Call for safety

The community is calling for police resources to be bolstered, to help ensure their safety.

Gauteng premier David Makhura, Community Safety MEC Faith Mazibuko and top SAPS officials are expected to join police in a crime prevention operation.

Watch: Operation O Kae Molao underway in Alexandra township

6 months ago