‘SA should not lose momentum in bid to free Palestine’


Connect Radio News
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Calls have been made for South Africa not to lose the momentum gained in its International Court of Justice (ICJ) bid to bring about a free Palestine.

Various speakers including retired Constitutional Court Judge Albie Sachs, and Gift of the Givers Founder Dr Imtiaz Sooliman addressed a media briefing hosted at the Desmond and Leah Tutu House in Cape Town on Wednesday.

Sooliman has called on the African National Congress (ANC) to continue to fight for the liberation of Palestine once the new Government of National Unity comes into power.

He said South Africa’s legal action against Israel at the ICJ was a monumental moment in the fight for human rights globally.

Sooliman has called on the ANC to partner with other political parties that will help to continue to fight for the freedom of Palestine.

Also speaking at the briefing, activist Mandla Mandela said the incoming government should continue to prioritise the struggle of the Palestinian people.

Mandela argued that South Africa should build on the work it has done to fight for human rights and the liberation of the Palestinian people.

Solution for peace

The retired judge Sachs called on Israel and Palestine to work together to finding a lasting solution for peace, adding that the two nations should share the land and all its resources in order for both to develop.

Sachs expressed hope that the two warring nations could eventually find common ground and negotiate a long-term deal, similar to how South Africa ended apartheid.

Meanwhile, aid organisations trying to access Gaza said their medical teams and supplies remain stuck at the Rafah border and the humanitarian situation in Gaza remains dire.

VIDEO | Israel and Palestine need to work together – Albie Sachs: 


13 hours ago