SACP accuse former Eskom CEO of violating SA’s anti-corruption legislation


Connect Radio News

The South African Communist Party (SACP) has accused the former Eskom CEO André de Ruyter of violating the country’s anti-corruption legislation.

De Ruyter alleged in an interview with a private television station that the governing party had treated Eskom as a feeding trough.

He also said that a certain minister was behind the looting at Eskom.

Mantashe dares André de Ruyter to name cabinet minister involved in Eskom corruption

The African National Congress (ANC) has given De Ruyter seven days in which to report corruption suspects to the authorities and produce the evidence of the corruption he claims has occurred at Eskom or face legal action.

The SACP National Spokesperson Alex Mashilo, “If you identify an act of corruption or if you notice it, immediately, you have to report it to law enforcement authorities. This is a requirement in terms of our anti-corruption law. What should happen now is for law enforcement authorities to investigate whether he had such knowledge and he did not report it to them. It will come out as a violation of our anti-corruption legislation.”

Pressure mounts on De Ruyter to drop names following his allegations

6 months ago