SACP, Cosatu call for economic changes at upcoming Cabinet lekgotla


Connect Radio News
Reading Time: 2 minutes

The African National Congress’s (ANC) alliance partners, the South African Communist Party (SACP) and the Congress of South African Trade Unions (Cosatu) have called for the upcoming Cabinet lekgotla to discuss changes in the country’s economic trajectory.

The bi-annual meeting, which was initially scheduled to take place on Thursday and Friday, has been moved to the weekend.

Eleven political parties that form part of the Government of National Unity (GNU) will set out the government’s plan of action for the next five years.

The much-anticipated lekgotla scheduled to take place in Cape Town will host all signatories to the GNU. This is where the 11 political parties are expected to consolidate and adopt their policies.

Cosatu Parliamentary Coordinator Matthew Parks has pleaded for the newly-appointed Executive to get to work fast.
“What is critical for Cosatu, its affiliates and the workers, is for the GNU to hit the ground running. To make sure they accelerate the implementation of the ANC’s election manifesto because we just do not simply have the time let alone the space for a honeymoon for government. We expect government to grow the economy, rebuild the state, deal with inequality and create decent jobs. Key to these is to give support to Eskom and end load shedding.”

SACP spokesperson Alex Mashilo has expressed his concerns over the short period that Cabinet is given to formulate the medium-term framework which will guide the Seventh Administration.

Mashilo says the time allocated is simply not enough. “We understand that the cabinet will be focusing on the official opening of parliament and therefore the time that was available between when the president was inaugurated and now, may not have been sufficient to do thorough work. In terms of informing what should go into the medium-term strategic framework that will guide the government in the next five years.”

The Alliance partners have expressed the wish for greater consultation with the ANC regarding matters of the Government of National Unity.

They have also vowed to keep a close eye on the GNU signatories to ensure that they do not stray from their mandate.

Politics Wrap | GNU Lekgotla preparations

21 hours ago