SACP, Hani family to oppose Constitutional Court's application by Janusz Walus


Connect Radio News

The SACP and the Hani family have vowed to oppose the Constitutional Court application by Chris Hani’s killer Janusz Walus.
The Polish immigrant who is currently serving a life sentence for the killing of the former SACP leader wants the apex court to overturn Justice and Correctional Services Minister Ronald Lamola’s decision to deny him parole.
In February last year, the High Court in Pretoria also dismissed Walus’ application to review and set aside Lamola’s refusal to grant him parole.
Walus said Lamola’s refusal to grant him parole was unlawful and discriminatory. But the SACP’s spokesperson Dr Alex Mashilo says they still maintain Walus did not disclose the whole truth on the assassination of their leader.
Walus denied parole:

Janusz Walus to remain behind bars 


7 months ago