SAMWU workers continue strike over R10.3 billion back pay


Connect Radio News

Municipal workers affiliated with the South African Municipal Workers Union (SAMWU) have vowed to continue their strike action until their demands are met.

On Thursday, thousands of City of Johannesburg employees disrupted traffic on the M1 and M2 highways in Braamfontein and the Johannesburg CBD, bringing the area to a standstill.

The striking workers are demanding back payments totalling R10.3 billion, which they claim have been owed to them since 1995.

SAMWU Deputy Regional Chairperson Lebogang Ndawo stated that the workers are frustrated because the current pay category assigned to the municipality does not align with the new category that should be in place.

Ndawo says, “The payments towards R10.3 billion—the workers were saying to the city we understand it’s a lot of money, and we do not want to cripple the city. But on the 31st of July, the council passed that the city can now move to category 10 municipalities, but they did not have any budget.”

He adds: “So it means on paper the workers in the COJ are recognized as category 10, but in terms of financially, there’s nothing towards that. And the sad part is that those who are receiving pay now, their salaries are correctly paid in terms of the category of the city. That is what agitated the workers.”

PODCAST | SAMWU members vow to continue strike:

24 days ago