SAUS demands that government release funding needed for NSFAS qualifying students


Connect Radio News

The South African Union of Students (SAUS) is demanding that government release the funding needed for NSFAS qualifying students. SAUS spokesperson Asive Dlanjwa says the shortfall is disadvantaging students who meet requirements to register for the 2022 academic year.

Dlanjwa also says they are calling on higher institutions of learning to scrap registration fees to give access to the missing middle students.

“We want to call on government to release the funding shortfall of R9.6 billion. Students have not received their funding confirmations purely based on the fact that NSFAS does not know where the money is going to come from, as they have determined that there is a R9.6 billion shortfall. We are saying that let this money be released such that students of the poor and working-class can study. The reality of the matter is that registration is ongoing at institutions of higher learning and the poor and the working class are sitting destitute on the sidelines,” says Dlanjwa.


a year ago