SIU unable to conduct full investigation to quantify losses at PRASA: Mothibi


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The Head of the Special Investigating Unit (SIU), Adv Andy Mothibi says due to a lack of documentation with regard to alleged state capture at the Passenger Rail Agency of South Africa (PRASA), they could not do a full investigation to quantify losses.

This is in relation to a R578 million contract for Royal Security that was found to be irregular.

Mothibi has appeared before Parliament’s Committee on Justice and Constitutional development on the implementation of the Zondo Commission on State Capture’s recommendations.

The SIU is investigating state capture related matters in various state-owned entities.

Mothibi says at PRASA, those responsible for record keeping and documents have left the organisation.

“My instruction to the team was, we shouldn’t leave it there. Otherwise easy way out to say we can’t trace documents and then that inevitably stops investigation. No, we go in and find out doc saving requirement how it was lost who’s accountable. We don’t just leave it there,” Mothibi explains.

5 months ago