South Africa is open for business: Pres Ramaphosa


Connect Radio News

President Cyril Ramaphosa says the American business community must seize opportunities presented by the South African market. He has engaged with captains of industry in New York on the margins of the UN General Assembly.

The president is focusing on the role of business in navigating a landscape for Africa’s minerals.

The global leaders have gathered at the UN headquarters to address the critical challenges and gaps in global governance.

President Ramaphosa takes part in a roundtable on Navigating the New landscape for African Minerals:

President Ramaphosa says South Africa is open for business.

“What I would call our new experience … with automotive production to get some of the world’s leading automotive manufacturers with a footprint in South Africa to produce more of their green vehicles in our own country. As you may well know, we’ve got a number of original equipment manufacturers who manufactures cars located in South Africa and we are seeing a great deal of interests and attraction to our market,” he says.

President Cyril Ramaphosa is in New York – Sherwin Bryce-Pease shares more

4 days ago