South Africans need to prepare for grid collapse this winter: EFF


Connect Radio News

The Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) National Spokesperson, Sinawo Thambo, has echoed party leader Julius Malema, saying South Africans need to prepare for the worst this winter, as the country could face a grid collapse in the next two weeks.

Malema has told the SABC that information about the imminent grid collapse was reportedly exchanged between the FBI and local intelligence authorities, as the country continues to implement higher stages of rolling blackouts.

The power utility Eskom predicts a difficult winter, with the possibility of Stage 8 load shedding.

Thambo says the party only desires to caution the citizens of this country. “Eskom confirms what we are saying that we can’t expect higher outages in the coming week of winter from stage 08 to stage 10. It’s credible, it’s going to be much more severe blackouts in South Africa. To be called different stages is just a smoke screen; the reality is that we are heading towards complete darkness. The stage of communication is to allay the fears of our people from a complete blackout, but the reality is that a complete blackout is what we have, and we are warning our people.”

Malema on Unfiltered:

Speaking on SABC’s Unfiltered programme, Malema says he never called for the charges and investigations against Koko and Molefe to be dropped.

“All I’m saying is we are in a crisis and any help must be welcomed, we shouldn’t push people away who can help us. I spoke about the former CEO of Eskom Maroga, I spoke about Koko and I made a call that everyone who can help us come out of this. I didn’t say they must employ them back. I said when you are confronted with a situation like this you call out on all patriots to come, without being partisan to come and help us with this problem.”

Malema has sought to explain his utterances regarding bringing back former Eskom executive Brian Molefe to help save the country from a disastrous blackout as the energy crisis continues to cripple South Africa.

During a press briefing on Monday, Malema called for the return of former Eskom executives, Brian Molefe and Matshela Koko, who he believed were being unfairly and irrationally persecuted in the name of so-called state capture.


3 months ago