Steel and engineering sector discuss growth possibilities


Connect Radio News

The Steel and Engineering Industries Federation of Southern Africa is hosting the 2024 Metals and Engineering Industries Ministerial Conference in Kempton Park, east of Johannesburg.

The organisation has gathered key Ministries including that of Finance, Energy, Transport and Labour, to address members of the steel industry on opportunities that can reignite the sector’s growth and contribute to reindustrialisation.

Deputy Finance Minister David Masondo delivered an address on the importance of collaboration between government and the private sector, in bringing about economic growth and addressing unemployment.

“If we don’t deal with the problem of unemployment it will turn into a serious liability in a sense that young people will start doing things not in the interest of society. So, we have a responsibility to turn things around, grow our economy in order to deal with unemployment and set material conditions to ensure revenue for all things the state has to do.”

Metals and Engineering Conference | Transport sector

a day ago