Steenhuisen denies DA support of Israel


Connect Radio News
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Democratic Alliance (DA) leader John Steenhuisen has denied allegations of supporting Israel in the Middle East conflict.

This comes in the wake of three DA leaders leaving the party, accusing it of stifling the voices of pro-Palestine members.

Former DA Member of Parliament Ghaleb Cachalia, former DA youth leader Khume Ramulifho and former DA councillor Sammy Claassen resigned, citing concerns about the party’s treatment of pro-Palestine members.

In response to questions about the party’s stance, Steenhuisen, during an interview on SABC’s Morning Live, clarified, “No, we don’t support Israel…”

“We have called for a two-state solution with an independent and sovereign and unoccupied Palestine living alongside a secure Israel that is the only way forward to bring about peace in the Middle East,” added Steenhuisen.

“We have condemned Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s comments when he said he doesn’t believe in the two-state solution. We have consistently said that human rights must be upheld, that the ICJ ruling must be upheld. We are not pro-Israel, we are not pro-Palestine, we are pro-peace and pro-anti-radicalization on both sides.”

Reports indicate that, as of March 1, 2024, over 31 000 people have been killed in the Israel-Hamas war. 30 228 Palestinians and 1 410 Israelis have been killed, including 88 journalists and over 136 UNRWA aid workers.

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