Thousands of young people flock to vote in Auckland Park


Connect Radio News
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Thousands of young people have flocked to the Hope church in Auckland Park in Johannesburg to cast their vote.

The queue of young voters, mostly from the surrounding universities, including Wits and UJ, is snaking around the block of the church for more than 500 meters.

They say they hope their vote will create a better South Africa for all.

“There is so much that needs to change, load shedding, crime, poverty, there is just so much that needs to change, so it is important that we come here to vote to get rid of the ANC. So much is not okay,” a young voter says.

“We are kind of tired, there is a reason why we came here in numbers today, we feel like it is time to take action, we feel like being a citizen and not voting is reckless where we had load shedding for so long and I myself have come here personally to make my voice heard and I am and obviously my vote is my secret but it is time for change that is why we are here, we are tired of the unemployment, the load shedding and everything,” another young voter explains.

24 days ago