Three people sentenced to 12 life terms for murder, arson in PMB


Connect Radio News
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The Pietermaritzburg High Court in KwaZulu-Natal has sentenced three people to 12 life terms and 55 years imprisonment each for murder, attempted murder, robbery and arson.

Mandisa Ngcobo, Mthobisi Makhathini and Sanele Phetha were found guilty of burning to death 12 people in a house following a drug turf war in May last year in the KwaMpande, uMgungundlovu District.

The National Prosecuting Authority spokesperson in KwaZulu-Natal Natasha Ramkisson-Kara says they will serve an effective term of life imprisonment.

“They were declared unfit to possess a firearm and the court further dismissed their application for leave to appeal. The National Prosecuting Authority welcomes the finalisation of this matter. We hope that sentences of this nature will have the necessary deterrent effect on would-be perpetrators.”


4 days ago