Today marks one year since Usindiso building fire


Connect Radio News

Today marks exactly one year since a deadly inferno engulfed the Usindiso building in Marshalltown in the Johannesburg inner city.

In the aftermath of the fire in which 76 people were killed and hundreds of others left homeless.

It later emerged that the five-storey building was one of the many hijacked buildings in the inner city.

The Usindiso building was home to many internal and external migrants, seeking new opportunities in the economic hub.

The fire brought attention to the hundreds of overcrowded hijacked buildings in the Johannesburg CBD, including a large number of undocumented migrants to South Africa.

Gauteng Premier Panyaza Lesufi appointed a commission of inquiry, led by retired Justice Sisi Khampepe.

After seven months of hearings Phase One of the report was released, putting the blame at the door of the City of Johannesburg.

Earlier this year, Sthembiso Lawrence Mndlalose confessed to starting the fire while trying to dispose of a body.

He abandoned bail and the matter has been cold for the last seven months.- Reporting by Xoliswa Makhiki and Hasina Gori.

4 days ago