Trump refuses to answer questions invoking the 5th amendment


Connect Radio News
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Former United States President Donald Trump has invoked the 5th amendment by refusing to answer questions during a deposition into potential tax fraud at the Trump Organisation.

The civil probe into Trump’s business practices is being conducted by the Attorney General of New York State.

Trump announced that he had declined to answer questions in the New York deposition under the rights and privileges afforded to every citizen under the United States constitution.

When running for office in 2016 Trump famously questioned the innocence of people who invoke the 5th, but in a statement said he’d done so because he and his family had become the targets of an unfounded politically motivated Witch-hunt supported by lawyers, prosecutors and what he called the “fake news media”.

FBI’s search at his Florida residence

In an unrelated incident, a federal search warrant was executed at his Palm Beach Florida residence in connection with an investigation into the removal of classified documents from the White House when he left office.

The FBI has executed a search warrant at Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago resort in Miami, Florida.

The US Investigative agency says the raid is part of an investigation into the handling of presidential documents. Authorities say these also include classified documents that may have been kept at Trump’s home.

The FBI raids Donald Trumps Florida residence 

Investigations into the Capitol Hill attack

He currently faces several legal probes including by the Justice Department into events that led to the attack on Capitol Hill in January 2021.

Former United States congressman, John Leboutillier shares his opinion on the latest developments.

2 years ago