Two arrested for allegedly attacking City Power contractor 


Connect Radio News
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Two people have been arrested for allegedly attacking a City Power contractor in Alexandra, north of Johannesburg.

Police remain on high alert after residents of  Setjwetla informal settlement protested overnight over prolonged power outages, barricading roads with rocks and burning tyres.

Marlboro Drive and several roads in the area were affected.

City Power spokesperson Isaac Mangena says the pair were apprehended after they allegedly attacked one of the technicians and stole their equipment.

Mangena says, “Unfortunately the equipment that was stolen was not recovered, but the police are on a trail. I think we should also extend gratitude to the residents that assisted the police in the arrest of these two. We are hoping that those criminals that did this and that stole our cables, joints and tool boxes, are arrested and brought to book and taught a lesson – municipal and government workers are not be attacked, as they are there to provide services to the residents that need it so much.”

VIDEO | Protesting residents in Alexandra want City Power to restore electricity:

3 days ago