Two security officers gunned down in Tsolo


Connect Radio News

The South African Transport and Allied Workers Union (SATAWU) says two security officers have been gunned down in Tsolo, in the Eastern Cape.

The union has called on the Police Minister and the provincial police commissioner to deal with the high levels of crime in the province.

The security officers were murdered in the line of duty. The perpetrators also stole the security officers’ firearms.

The SATAWU national spokesperson Amanda Tshemese says they are concerned about the growing number of security guards being killed on duty.

“We are calling on the Minister of Police and the Provincial Commissioner in the  Eastern Cape to ensure that these criminals must be sentenced harshly. The union is also calling anyone that may have information that may lead to the arrest of these criminals . The crime that we are facing as the country needs all of us to unite and to fight against. It is also very clear that there is a huge problem in the Eastern Cape when it comes to crime.”


8 months ago