Unions to engage with members on whether to accept SABC’s revised wage increase offer or stick to their demands


Connect Radio News

The Communication Workers Union (CWU) says it will engage with it’s members as well as the Broadcasting, Electronic Media and Allied Workers Union (BEMAWU), to decide on whether to accept the SABC’s revised wage increase offer or stick to their demands.

The SABC on Tuesday revised their offer following a deadlock in negotiations, to an R18 000 once-off payment or a 2% across-the-board increase – together with a R3 000 once-off payment.

Unions are demanding a R20 000 once-off payment for the 2021/22 financial year, as well as an 8% across-the-board increase and a R500 housing allowance increase for the 2022/23 financial year.

Negotiations have been postponed until Thursday at the CCMA.

CWU’s Nathan Bowers says: “We will be caucusing as BEMAWU and CWU, we will be going to our members so we can get a mandate. We take note of the R18 000 once-off payment, but for us at this moment it’s a slap in the face for workers at the SABC. It’s also an attack on the collective bargaining processes that is happening in the country and the state must take responsibility for what is happening.”


2 years ago