Voting on three ballot papers will not affect results counting: IEC


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The Electoral Commission (IEC) says voting on three ballot papers in the 2024 General Elections will not slow down counting of results.

This election, voters will have three ballots to make their mark on – a national, a regional for National Assembly representation, and a provincial for provincial legislatures.

South Africans will cast their votes for the seventh administration on the 29th of May.

IEC Deputy Chief Executive for Outreach, Mawethu Mosery says while the additional ballot will not delay counting after the elections, it may slow down the choosing process due to the additional vote to cast.

“Yes it is for the first time that we have it nationwide and that we are electing the National Assembly but in our logistics managing, three ballots is our usual thing. What has become unusual and why the count might take longer, is the number of voters that have registered for this election at 27.7 million.”

PODCAST | IEC assures the public that voting on three ballot papers will not slow down election result counting process: 

-Report by Taresh Harreeparshad

a month ago