MEC pleads with communities to help bust extortionists in W Cape


Connect Radio News

Western Cape Infrastructure MEC Tertius Simmers has called on community members to share information on extortionists as police investigations have reached a dead end.

In response to a Parliamentary question from the DA, Simmers last week revealed that six construction sites worth nearly R400 million have been targeted by extortionists.

As a result, critical projects such as housing and schooling have been delayed by as much as three years.

Simmers says whistleblowers will remain anonymous.

“What we have put in place as the Provincial Department of Infrastructure is a specific, unique email address. You can remain anonymous; you can just give us the specific information. But my plea to these communities, you know who these people are, you know who these so-called business forums are. Please play your part. If you do not have access to email, we do have a provincial Facebook page so you can utilise Facebook messenger. The Facebook page is Minister Tertius Simmers.”

Former business owner who was forced to shut down his business because of extortion, Randolf Jorberg shares more:


9 days ago