World Oceans Day celebration returns to Scottburgh


Connect Radio News
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The area surrounding Scottburgh, south of Durban, celebrates World Oceans Day from today until the weekend. Planned activities include beach clean-ups, water sports, live music, and entertainment.

This year’s World Oceans Day theme is “Catalyzing Action for Our Ocean & Climate.” This is the second installment with planned activities in various destinations across the globe.

Ocean Festival Founder Russel Symcox says that talking about ocean health and raising awareness enhances conversations around the threats present to marine ecosystems.

“The ocean festival started very humbly in Scottburgh, trying to encourage people to connect and engage with World Oceans Day, which is on the 8th of June every year. It’s a landmark day because it helps us celebrate the ocean and the importance of the ocean. So, the Ocean Festival is a platform to celebrate World Oceans Day and to provide these opportunities for people to understand more about conservation and how we can do it.”

PODCAST | Interview with Russel Symcox on World Oceans Day:

7 hours ago