Young people express gratitude to the youth of 1976


Connect Radio News
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Young people say June 16 is a reminder of the struggles and injustices the youth of 1976 endured in order for today’s learners to be taught in their mother tongue.

Their comments come ahead of tomorrow’s 48th anniversary of Youth Day, when thousands of young people protested against the Apartheid regime’s imposition of Afrikaans as a medium of instruction in schools.

The protests resulted in the death of 12-year-old schoolboy, Hector Pieterson, who was shot and killed by the apartheid police.

These learners say the youth of 1976 played a crucial role in fighting for the transformation of education in the country.

“This day means freedom. It means we have to recognise the injustices of our past and the people who suffered and fought for us so that we can be free. To me Youth Day means the people who made the effort and had the courage and sacrifice to be where we are today. If it wasn’t for them I wouldn’t be in a school learning in my mother language.”

Youth Day | Gauteng commemorates June 16 

3 days ago