Young people hope incoming govt will prioritise jobs


Connect Radio News
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Young people say they hope that the incoming administration will bring about stable jobs.

They say the likes of the Extended Public Works Programme have failed to bring much-needed financial stability, as they are temporary jobs.

Young people say they hope that people will now be employed on merit, instead of political connections and nepotism.

They say the incoming method of government should provide promised jobs.

Relebohile Lelimo opted to study further, as she could not get employment, “What motivated me to do my honours is that, the whole idea was to find a job this year, but then I saw that there’s no chance so I saw it fit to go back to school.

My journey on applying for internships, it has been the hard one, I can say, because I have applied with no luck. Till now no response at all. So I saw that I qualify to go back to school, not that I wanted to, but came with a plan that I can be a lecturer so that I can start my life. To be honest there are no jobs.”

Youth Day 2024 | Youth unemployment in the spotlight:

Meanwhile, Economist Professor Jannie Rossouw says the incoming government should stabilise the economy and create employment.

“Any political instability will be very bad for the economy and low or no economic growth will be very bad for employment in South Africa. We have a serious unemployment problem and the main challenge of the new government that we get after this election that we had on the 29th of May will be to make sure that there’s job creation so that people can work. We cannot afford to have an unemployment rate of about half the population.”

7 days ago