Zondo praised for transforming the judiciary


Connect Radio News

Chief Justice Designate, Mandisa Maya has hailed outgoing Chief Justice Raymond Zondo for championing the advancement of women in the judiciary.

Zondo was appointed to the helm of the judiciary by President Cyril Ramaphosa in 2022 and sought to ensure the transformation of the judiciary and the representation of women in the profession.

Jurists and astute guests have gathered in Johannesburg to wish him farewell as he retires at the end of this month.

Maya praised Zondo for his steadfastness in transforming the judiciary.

“Thank you for supporting women in the judiciary. In your short two years as Chief Justice, an institution that managed to have only one woman appointed as a Judge President in 27 years, suddenly gained two women Judge Presidents, more women deputy judges president, a woman deputy chief justice and now in two weeks, a woman chief justice.”

Maya adds, “It is no random coincidence that these tremendous gains in the struggle to diversify the judiciary in terms of gender were achieved during your tenure. Your support added significantly to the impetus to the recognition of women in this arm of the state.”

Chief Justice Raymond Zondo farewell dinner

Meanwhile, Justice Mbuyiseli Madlanga has lauded Zondo for his leadership of the judiciary.

Madlanga delivered a heartfelt message to the outgoing head of the judiciary at his farewell in Johannesburg.

Madlanga says Justice Zondo prioritised the voices of those whom he led.

Madlanga, a Constitutional Court Justice, worked closely with Zondo.

He says the profession was in great hands during Justice Zondo’s tenure at the helm.

“A true leader listens not to their own voice but to the voices of the led. A true leader listens out of the realisation that they can never have the monopoly of constructive ideas. I cannot count the number of times you have invited us, the justices of the Constitutional Court, to share our views on issues you had to decide.”

6 days ago