SA diplomat questions double standard of countries regarding Mideast


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South African diplomat Nozipho Mxakato Diseko has questioned the double standards of the big countries when dealing with global challenges.

Diseko says the attempt by Israel to destroy Hamas is likely not going to succeed.

She also called on the people of the world to think about the children who are dying during the bombardment of Israel on Gaza.

A humanitarian catastrophe is unfolding in the Middle East as Gaza Strip is reduced to rubble.

Women and children are most affected.

The Israeli offensive against Gaza has intensified.

Diseko is United Nations Ambassador for South Africa.

“The images of the carnage being visited on the Palestinians and Gaza are reminiscent of the second world war. With children emerging shaking from the rubble of buildings destroyed by bombs. One child asked am I still alive.”

Diseko says the most vulnerable are losing their lives as they cannot protect themselves against the Israeli offensive.

“Where is the humanity of the West? But if we jumped in and say yes, yes go for it, go get them last year, where would we be now. We would not be able to hold them to account.”

Israel is adamant it will continue its action against Hamas.

Sharren Haskel, who is the youngest member of the Israeli parliament, hopes to see peace one day in the Middle East

“The way and time peace will come in the Middle East is when they love their children more than they hate us. The world is better without Al-Qaeda. Society is better without ISIS and the world and the Middle East will be safer without Hamas. Children will be able to go to school without being worried that they will be butchered.”

United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund (UNICEF) says more than 2 000 children in Gaza have been killed while 30 Israeli children have reportedly died.

Israel has vowed to wipe out Hamas in response to its surprise attacks in which 1 400 people, mostly civilians, were killed.

More than 200 people, including foreign nationals, were taken hostage.

So far, Hamas has released four hostages.


3 months ago