Public Service set for major overhaul if new Minister has his way


Connect Radio News
Reading Time: 2 minutes

The Public Service is in for a major overhaul if the new Minister Inkosi Nzamo Buthelezi gets his way. He has tabled his department’s budget during a mini plenary in the National Assembly.

Buthelezi says the professionalisation of the Public Service is paramount to ensuring that South Africans get the kind of service from a government that they deserve. “Decisively dealing with corruption and corrupt officials.”

He adds, “For us as public servants, we understand our work is not just about high calling but it is of high calling and to serve our people in the spirit of Ubuntu. It is for this reason that we have found in the following areas improving the test in the government areas by decisively dealing with corruption and corrupt officials including dealing with those who are acting the state, including the disciplining management to ensure that state processes are completed timeously.”

Parties have agreed that this department is at the heart of good governance.

“The government cannot work if the people running the government are not professional, ethical, and selected on merit. It’s critical that the GNU prioritises the creation of a public workforce that is independent professional effective and competent. Fit for purpose. Selected based on skills not political affiliation,” says  Chairperson of the Public Service and Administration Committee, DA MP Jan de Villiers.

Members from the opposition benches emphasised that discipline and professionalism must go hand in hand.

FFPlus MP Heloise Denner says, “On top of the bloated wage bill the PS can simply not afford the high levels of fraud and corruption any longer.”

“I don’t mean putting people on full-time pay for 10 years while they seek other employment. There should be timeframes for disciplinary measures, if it’s not concluded in 6 months, put a law – start separation measures with that employee because that relationship is not going to work,” says ActionSA Dr Tebogo Letlape.

“The PSC has discovered employees are suspended for the past 12, 8, 7 years, yet still receive full gov salaries,” explains EFF MP Sixolisa Gcilishe.

The new Deputy Speaker Annelie Lotriet had her first baptism of fire in the Chair when the sitting degraded due to a lack of translation services in the House.

The draft National Framework aimed at the professionalisation of the Public Service, being put together by the Public Service Commission, was started by the previous administration.

a day ago