Stats SA defends census 2022 results


Connect Radio News
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Statistics SA has labelled a report that says its census 2022 results do not meet standards, as unfounded and misleading.

This follows a technical report commissioned by the Medical Research Council. The report says the Stats SA’s 2022 census population estimate of 62-million people is overstated by a million people and that there are material discrepancies at district and municipal level.

In a statement issued earlier on Thursday, Stats SA firmly denies claims that Census 2022 figures should be treated as estimates due to undercounting issues.

Stats SA further says it uses the Post Enumeration Survey which is quality control measure consistently applied in all democratic censuses.

It insists this method helps detect and rectify any errors, ensuring the reliability of the data.

Questions about accuracy of Census 2022: Prof Tom Moultrie:

a day ago