Those who steal KZN flood relief money be warned: Cele


Connect Radio News
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Police Minister Bheki Cele has warned that those who syphon money meant for relief in KwaZulu-Natal will be arrested. This, as South Africans raise concerns over the possible misuse of funds.

Last week, the province saw floods that left scores displaced and ravaged homes and infrastructure. Rescue efforts are still under way for many who remain unaccounted for, while the death toll continues to rise.

Cele was briefing the media from Pretoria on the efforts by the Security Cluster to assist the province.

People that are plundering and stealing money will be arrested, simple. The president has issued a very strict instruction. It would be good if people don’t wait for the police, they listen to their conscience,” says Cele.

Cele added, “The situation is dire there. Some of us who have walked down there, when a family of 12 is wiped off and only two left out of the family of 12 and you still have the audacity of going to steal, you are not a human being yourself, you are some kind of animal.”

KZN Floods I Minister Cele updates at the security cluster ministers’ media briefing
Revised death toll

Cele says the death toll from the floods has been revised from the previous 448 to 435. This after post-mortem results found other causes of death including gunshot wounds and natural causes.

Meanwhile, Premier Sihle Zikalala has thanked volunteers as well as search and rescue teams for working tirelessly to save lives in the wake of the floods in KZN.

Zikalala was addressing the provincial day of prayer for flood victims in Durban:


2 years ago